Introduction to The Faith Compass

My sense of direction is a joke. I turn left when my car is to the right...It's a real thing called Geographic Dyslexia.  

However, my affliction one day, led me to develop a miraculous tool I now use for answering not only which way is home(GPS does this nicely) but all answers to my questions big and small. 

An intuitive spark lit in my mind one night many years ago when I drove down 10 Freeway to a writing class I’d been too a few times. When a sign came up saying the 405 Freeway was approaching, I immediately was confused. Was Santa Monica Boulevard off the 10 freeway, or the 405? Then the spark came. I’d heard a shaman once say the correct direction would become brighter in front of you. So I stared out. For a second it seemed up to the right onto the 405 was brighter. It wouldn’t be the last time I was late to a meeting, so I continued up onto the 405. As I sloped down to merge with it, there was the sign  Santa Monica Boulevard next exit!

I also used to suffer from what my ex-husband called ‘menuitis.’ I’d take forever deciding what to eat. Not just with food, but with every decision I would obsess and roll over every possibility 5 times before deciding.  

A week before Christmas I stood in front of a rack of navy pea coats stressing if one of these was what my daughter wanted. I had the idea, what would happen if I closed my eyes and imagine the left side of my inner vision saying yes, and the right side saying ‘no.’ I did this over and over and the inner vision on my left side seemed to be significantly brighter, which signaled YES to me. 

Christmas morning she opened it and said, “Oh no, Mommy, this isn’t what I wanted.” I thought oh well, my little trick didn’t work. But, the next morning she came twirling down the stairs into the living room beaming, “Mommy, I love this coat.” It became her favorite for a long time.  

At dinner with friends I shared what I was practicing, saying I always ask, “Is it the highest good that…” My daughter's   friend piped up, “That sounds like a faith compass.”

“It does!” I said, And thus the name The Faith Compass stuck! 

I use The Faith Compass now to save wasted time making my decisions. Over the past 20 years my faith in it has truly grown. And so has trusting my intuition. I know now that all answers are really right in front of us. We just need to know how to look. 

Over the past 20 years I have used the Faith Compass with clients to help them make yes or no decisions about their relationships, parenting, marriage, career, moving, big purchases, investments, and more.     

I fantasize about how wonderful it would be if everyone trusted all their answers are right in front of them.  What a wonderful creative world it would be. 

My gift to you is experiencing The Faith Compass on your own. You are one step closer to getting closer to your intuition. 

The Faith Compass itself is beautiful. I felt guided into a deep mediation and got a very clear answer to my questions. More amazing, I got a deeper understanding about the issue.
— Lauren Schneider, MFT Found of Tarot