hello friends, I am paula heartland

My personal experience led me down my professional path, I am a Certified International Life Coach, Reichian Mind-Body Counselor, Hypnotist, and Nonviolent Communications Instructor. And for the past 30 years I have been educating and working with women and couples in various life stages looking to shift from the inside out.

My Mission is to show young women and young mothers that we only feel limited, afraid, and incapable from the unresolved learned blueprint from childhood, and that today there is infinite support for creating what we desire. 

Self support and confidence comes from knowing our “ internal blueprint.” It is my passion and life’s work to show you how easy it is to develop the intuition to trust taking the next step. 

This is why I have created The Faith Compass and Happy Mom Happy Child to help women lead with their intuition, learn how to navigate YES or NO decisions, and thrive in their relationships with themselves, with their children, and with their family. 

We’re all doing the best we can. We just need a safe person and place to explore our limiting beliefs to feel hope and gain momentum.  I’d like to be that person for you.  

Paula is a wonderful coach because she is not only very empathetic and supportive, but also has the ability to help me see the issues or feelings I am struggling with from a different perspective. Her perspective is always helpful, is often surprising in a good way, and helps lift me out of whatever might be weighing on me. I have counted on Paula’s warmth and her spiritual and astute psychological gifts for many years and count myself very lucky to have found her.
— Mary Benjamin

What I have Achieved

  • Founded Heartland Center of Santa Monica

  • Certified Life Coach

  • Certified Reichian Mind-Body Counselor

  • Certified Hypnotist

  • Certified Nonviolent Communications Instructor

  • BA Theatre at California State University, Northridge

  • Author of Finding Power in Action, published by Whole Life Times

  • Workshop Leader Esalen, Big Sur, Unitarian Annual Women’s Retreat

  • Speaker at Glendale Mental Health

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what happy clients have to say

Paula delivers her coaching experience with a natively comfortable and collaborative approach, leveraging and almost “sixth sense” in her perception and read of the situation, beyond and beneath the surface.


Contact me today to get started…




Motivation is unlimited when we’re enjoying what we’re learning and creating.

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